Thursday, October 9, 2014

Off Again

A Snake, A Cat, Some Lighthouses and BEER!

It has come time again for Ron Swanson and me to leave the foggy seaside hamlet of Arcata once again.  I was back for a while to attend my brother’s wedding and was ran into a very long string of issues that prolonged my stay a bit longer than I intended.  As of yesterday, the last issue tieing me to my home town has happily been resolved.  So today, I set out north.

The plan for the next little bit of future is to travel north to Salem to retrieve a pair of hiking boots that I left at my friend’s house on the last leg of my journey.  From there I will turn east and make way towards my brother’s house in Lander Wyoming.  I agreed to watch his homestead and all of his animals while he and his now wife travel east to hold a wedding reception with her family.  After that it’s anyone’s guess where I’ll go.  Perhaps someone could make a suggestion?

But enough with this talk of the future, there is the matter of the recent past to discuss.  Today, I made my way north after hanging out at my old house in Arcata; which is where Ron Swanson and I made friends with the newest roommate that replaced me.  Her name is Trogdora and she is a boa constrictor that measures maybe a yard in length.  I have seen Ron stand his ground when confronted by much larger cats and dogs than he over the past few months.  But it appears his bravery has finally met it’s match because I witnessed him quake in fear upon realizing that there was a reptilian foe in our midst.

When compared to last night’s antics, the drive today seemed much more subdued.  Ron and I wound our way in and out of the mists on the fog-clad coast of Northern California and Southern Oregon to Bandon.  The point for today was to just put some miles behind us, but I was able to make a couple little stops along the way.  I made time for pizza and beer at Wild River Pizza (a diamond in the rough if you’re looking for craft beer on the Oregon Coast) and then again to stretch my legs and take in a few vistas at Cape Blanco State Park.

The Pizza was good but the beer is the real reason to visit Wild River Pizza.
A light house sits atop a bluff at Cape Blanco State Park
Tonight I will be breathing the sweet sea spray coming in off the breakwall here in Bandon.  I have found a nice little bit of level street just outside the marina offices that is conveniently close to downtown.  Or is that a fog horn?

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